Paper Presentations
- Answer set programming at a glance — Brewka et al.
- Dedalus: Datalog in Time and Space — Alvaro et al.
- Datafun: a functional Datalog — Arntzenius and Krishnaswami
- Formulog: Datalog for SMT-based static analysis — Bembenek et al.
- Incrementalizing lattice-based program analyses in Datalog — Szabó et al.
- A Unified Approach to Solving Seven Programming Problems (Functional Pearl) - Byrd et al.
- Constraint Logic Programming - Jaffar and Lassez.
- The Stable Model Semantics for Logic Programming - Gelfond.
- Mercury, an efficient purely declarative logic programming language - Somogyi et al.
- Fifty Years of Prolog and Beyond - Korner et. al.