Week 3 (Reading | Slides | Exercises)



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Exercise 03.01: Get the Wolf, Goat, and Cabbage program to run.

Exercise 03.02: Extend the Wolf, Goat, and Cabbage program with an Island (I) where the farmer, wolf, goat, and cabbage can move to. Add relevant rules for move and safe. Does it change the possible solutions to the problem?

Exercise 03.03: Write a Prolog program that does not terminate.

Exercise 03.04: Write a Datalog program that does not terminate when run with Prolog.

From now on, the Prolog programs you write should always terminate.

Exercise 03.05: The natural numbers are defined as:

nat(s(X)) :- nat(X).

Implement the following relations on natural numbers: +, -, *, <= and min.

Exercise 03.06: In a functional programming language, we cannot define subtraction in terms of addition. Describe how Prolog allows such a definition and implement it.

Exercise 03.07: Use Prolog to determine if the following equations have a solution:

  • x = 1 + 2
  • x + 2 = 3
  • x * x + 1 = 5
  • x <= min(x, y)

where x and y are natural numbers.

Exercise 03.08: Implement odd(X) and even(X) to determine if a number is odd or even.

Exercise 03.09: Implement the Fibonacci function.

Exercise 03.10: Implement prefix(Xs, Ys) and suffix(Xs, Ys) to determine whether the list Xs is a prefix or suffix of Ys.

Exercise 03.11: Implement prefix and suffix in terms of append.

Exercise 03.12: Implement memberOf in terms of append.

Exericse 03.13: Implement two versions of reverse, one using append and one using an accumulator. Draw the proof trees produced by each on a small list.

Exercise 03.14: Implement substitute(A, B, Xs, Ys) which relates Xs to Ys such that every occurrence of A in Xs is replaced by B in Ys.

Exercise 03.15: A binary tree of natural numbers can be defined as:

tree(node(X, N, Y)) :- nat(N), tree(X), tree(Y).
  • Assume the tree is unsorted, compute if it contains a given number.
  • Assume the tree is sorted, compute if it contains a given number.
  • Compute the minimum and maximum height of a tree.
  • Compute the sum of the elements of a tree.
  • Translate a tree to a list using a pre-, in-, and post-order traversal.

Exercise 03.16: The following definition of remove for lists is incorrect. Fix it:

remove(x, [], []).
remove(x, [x | ys], rs) :- remove(x, ys, rs). 
remove(x, [y | ys], rs) :- remove(x, ys, rs).

Exercise 03.17: For each pair of terms, manually compute a unifying substitution, or report if unification is impossible.

  • unify(42, 42)
  • unify(21, 42)
  • unify(X, 42)
  • unify(42, X)
  • unify(X, Y)
  • unify(X, X)
  • unify(leaf, leaf)
  • unify(X, node(X, 21, X))
  • unify(X, node(Y, 21, Z))
  • unify(node(leaf, X, leaf), node(leaf, 42, leaf))
  • unify(node(X, Y, leaf), node(leaf, Z, leaf))
  • unify(node(X, Y, X), node(node(leaf, 42, leaf), 21, leaf))
  • unify(node(X, Y, Z), node(node(leaf, 42, leaf), 21, Z))
  • unify([X], [1, 2, 3])
  • unify([X, Y, Z], [Z, X, Y])
  • unify([[X], Y], [Y, [2, 3]])
  • unify([X, Y], [1, [2, 3]])
  • unify([X, Y], [1, [X, 3]])
  • unify([X, [Y]], [1, [X, [Y]]])

Exercise 03.18: Describe why the occurs check is is necessary in the unification algorithm.

Exercise 03.19: When would you use Datalog to solve a programming problem? And Prolog?